fish and chilli fanpagethis is a real official fish and chili fan account. this is NOT A JOKE!! SO DONT THINK IT IS ONE!! WE ARE FISH🐟ANDCHILLI🌶S AKA BIRDSANDFISHES87 BIGGEST FANS!! why we love fish and chilisecond creators emotional fish and chili storyat firsr i was depressed, i had no family, no friends, and no life. when i came across fish and chili's account i assended to the heavens and hear the angels singihg to me. i finall started to make friends and i educated them about fish and chili, they left me. no on eunderstands fish and chili the way i do, they dont know fish and chili the way i do, fish and chili is my whole life now, and ill never let go. first crators emotional fishandc hili storywhen i found fish and chili, it changed my whole life forever. at first i was homeless and onthe street and dying. one day,i went to youtube and got a video recconebded to me. mrs peanut. i clicked on it, curiously. the video that played afterwards changed my whole life forever. i have not been the same since, i got 3000000 million dollars, a mansion, 200 acers of land, and the cure to every diesese ever on earth ever. i showed the video to others who continued sharing it and it actually caused world oeace. i just want to thank fish and chili for changing my life for the better, and getting me off the street for good. thank you. |